Make a Donation
Our therapeutic riding programmes are delivered by a dedicated team of qualified therapists, coaches and volunteers to people with physical, intellectual and emotional disabilities. Each week we assist more than 165 people.
Your generosity helps us to provide equine therapy programmes to people who are challenged by disability or at risk. Donations help us to continue to provide training, resources, vital equipment, horse care and employ our qualified coaching staff.
Its Easy to Donate
- Donate Online (Givealittle)
- Donate via Internet banking
Tauranga RDA Bank Account details are:
Bank: BNZ
Account Name: Tauranga District Group Riding for the Disabled Inc
Account Number: 020466 0347401 00
Particulars: Your name Reference: Donation
- Pay by Eftpos in our office
* Note as of 1 July 2021 New Zealand banks will no longer accept cheques.
If you have any questions about donating to Tauranga Riding for the Disabled please contact our office on (07) 544 1899 or email.